Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Signing off for Christmas 2011...

Well, Christmas is all done and dusted and yes, I didn't have time to finished off my 12 days of Christmas due to family commitments, and many other unexpected demands, 'nuff said! 
My Virgo instincts are nagging at me to finish everything off properly, so here goes with the last 2 bits of the song....

Eleven Pipers Piping

 According to one theory about the origins of The Twelve Days of Christmas song, the pipers are Jesus' 11 faithful disciples.  Between 1558 and 1829 Catholicism was an underground religion, and any person caught with anything in writing that betrayed their adherence to the faith risked imprisonment or death - this song is believed to have originated as a catechism to help Catholics learn the tenets of their faith in secret.

12 Drummers Drumming

Well I don't know about 12, but in our family we have our own not-so-little (over 6-foot) drummer boy.  Here is Andrew in action and today being Christmas Eve he is coming home for our traditional Christmas morning breakfast ritual, then the ritual frantic tearing of the presents open before dashing off in our 4 wheel drive sleigh towards Melbourne and the rellies for Christmas lunch.

Thanks for joining me here at the Christmas Countdown blog, it's been a lot of fun and I'll try to be back next year, bigger and better, and more experienced in blog-dom!

And Santa Teddy says goodbye too.