Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nine ladies dancing, Ten lords a-leaping

3 days to go..

Nine Ladies Dancing

And on another note, there exists a very whimsical stone circle high on Stanton Moore in the Derbyshire peaks, call the Nine Ladies Stone Circle.  It's a bit like the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in that legend has it that these "ladies" were turned into stone for making music and dancing on the Sabbath (how naughty of them!)  There are actuall ten stones; nine uprights lie within a small circular earth bank, with a tenth - the King Stone and reputedly the fiddler - lying prone on the bank.  It is one of a series of ancient monuments built 3,000-4,000 years ago, scattered across Stanton Moor.  At certain times of the year when the moon is full, the stones are said to move around in a ritual dance to the fiddler's haunting melody.

Ten Lords a-Leaping

"Leaping" might be too strong a word for it, but if you happen to find yourself in Flamborough on the North Yorkshire coast on Boxing Day (what are the odds?) you'll see a team of local men hopping and skipping around the town wielding wooden swords.  In the annual Longsword Dance, men dressed in traditional fishermen's "ganseys" (jerseys) white "ducks" (trousers) and flat caps tour the streets to tunes such as "Old Johnnie Walker".  This traditional goes back hundreds of years, and now is held to raise money for the local school.

And S-T?

Santa Teddy has a joke for you:
  • Good King Wenceslas phoned Domino’s for a pizza.
    The salesgirl asked him:-
    ‘Do you want your usual?  Deep pan, crisp and even?’

  • Monday, December 19, 2011

    8 Maids a Milking

       5 days to go

    8 maids a milking
    Love these 8 little maids - thanks to Anne Geddes for her inspirational photos

    -   a bit of trivia

    "As smooth as a milk maid's skin"
    The expression "as smooth as a milk maid's skin" came about as a result of milk maid’s exposure to cowpox, which causes no serious symptoms, but does convey a partial immunity to the disfiguring (and often fatal) disease smallpox. Thus, milkmaids lacked the "pockmarked" complexion common to smallpox survivors. This observation led to the development of the first vaccine. By the early 19th century, more than 100,000 persons in Great Britain had been vaccinated against smallpox. (fascinating, thanks Wikipedia)

    Christmas Carols
    ...with an Australian theme, no less.
    Thanks to Jaybees for the words....

    On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
    A kookaburra in a gum tree

    On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent to me
    Two cockatoos, and a kookaburra in a gum tree   

    Three parakeets.........
    Four great galahs.......
    Five opals black......
    Six 'roos a-jumping........
    Seven emus running.......
    Eight koalas clinging.........
    Nine wombats waddling........
    Ten dingoes dashing.......
    Eleven snakes a-sliding.......
    Twelve goannas going.......


    And to the tune of Jingle Bells
    1. Dashing through the bush in a rusty Holden ute,
    Kicking up the dust, Esky in the boot,
    Kelpie by my side, singing Christmas songs,
    It's summer time and I am in my singlet, shorts and thongs.

    Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells jingle all the way,
    Christmas in Australia on a scorching summer's day,
    Oh! Jingle bells, jingle bells, Christmas time is beaut,
    Oh what fun it is to ride in a dusty Holden ute.

    2. Engine's getting hot, we dodge the kangaroos,
    The swaggie climbs aboard, he is welcome too.
    All the family is there, sitting by the pool,
    Christmas day in the Aussie way, by the Bar-b-cue. Oh!


    3. Come the afternoon, grandpa has a doze,
    The kids and Uncle Bruce are swimming in their clothes,
    The time comes round to go, we take a family snap,
    And pack the car and all shoot through
    Before the washing up. Oh!

    And Santa Teddy?
    S-T got a bit messy helping with the Christmas cooking on the weekend and had to be hung up to dry!

    Sunday, December 18, 2011

    6 days to go.. 

    And it looks like it's going to be a warm Christmas Day in Melbourne according to the weather forecast - although this may change as the day gets closer.

    And yes, I'm aware I've missed out several verses of the 12 days of Christmas as I had the most busy and frantic weekend of partying and present-buying so noooo time to blog. I hope you'll forgive me condensing 3 days of missed blogging into one, here goes..

    5 Golden Rings
    So the five golden rings in this stanza refer to five ring-necked pheasants, a dish that was sure to be served at some of the king or queen's Twelfth Night feasts during the Twelve Days of Christmas celebrations.
    Unlike the four collie birds in the previous stanza who just had their name changed to a different, and non-existent, species of bird, the five rings in this stanza have, in singers' and illustrators' minds, changed from five ring-necked pheasants to five pieces of jewelry. While gold rings for one's fingers have been around since ancient times, the word ring, even today, has different meanings. Today we refer to the platform on which boxers fight and wrestlers perform as a ring, a criminal conspiracy as a ring, jewelry for fingers, toes, ears, noses and belly buttons are all referred to as rings.  Given the versatility of the word ring in today's language it is not unusual to discover that our sixteenth century ancestors used the shortened term ring to describe a ring-necked pheasant as well as jewellery for their fingers.
    6 Geese-a-Laying
    I have found a Christmas game where you can find the 6 geese and much more apparently.
    Please refer to the craft tab above and print the picture.
    7 Swans-a-Swimming
    According to some believers, the 7 swans-a-swimming represent the  seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, i.e. 1) prophecy, 2) ministry, 3) teaching, 4) exhortation, 5) giving, 6) leading, and
    7) compassion
    Something to reflect on?

    And S-T?  What has he been up to?

    Well, a bit of upside-down planking with all the appropriate safety measures in place of course.  He's a safety-first kind of guy.

    Thursday, December 15, 2011

    4 Calling Birds (or is it?)

    9 days to go...   ho ho ho

    On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me,
    Four calling (Colly) Birds

    The Four Calling Birds in this stanza is due to a mix up between the English language as spoken in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and the English spoken today. It could also be due to a mix up between English as spoken in England and English as spoken in England's former colonies, particularly the United States and Australia.

    It's Colly Birds, Not "Calling Birds"

    The verse, four calling birds, is actually a corruption of the English word colly or collie . So, we are referring to four colly birds or four collie bird s (the words to the song were probably written before the creation of the dictionary, so the spelling of old words tends to be flexible).
    What is a colly bird? It is a black bird. In England a coal mine is called a colliery and colly or collie is a derivation of this and means black like coal. For a long time in England, blackbirds have been referred to as both blackbirds (as in the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence ) and colly birds as in The Twelve Days of Christmas .
    Even in Tudor England these birds went by two different names so it is not so unusual that there would be some confusion three centuries and a couple of continents later.
    While the name blackbird migrated beyond England, the name collie bird remained behind in England where, even there, it tended to diminish in use over the centuries. Today, many published versions of the song in the U.S. and Australia give the birds' name as calling birds rather than collie birds.
    As to why the person in the song would give his true love a gift of blackbirds, the answer is that this would have been another gift of food. Blackbirds were plentiful and were a common food.
    From the nursery rhyme Sing a Song of Sixpence we see them being served as a meat pie and this may have been the way they were commonly served. In times past in Great Britain, pies were a convenient way to serve and eat a meal with the meat, potatoes and any vegetables all cooked together in an easy to handle crust (forks not having been invented at that time, table utensils consisted of knives, spoons and one's fingers).

    What has Santa Teddy been up to?

    He has decided to branch out into performance art.  He calls this "Teddy under glass".

    I think S-T is a little bored waiting for Christmas to arrive.

    This was painted in the 16th Century -

    Adoration of the Shepherds c. 1500–10, by Giorgio da Castelfranco

    Signing off for today fellow Christmasophiles!  It's been a long week and I'm relishing my day off.

    Wednesday, December 14, 2011

    3 French Hens

    10 days to go

    On the third day of Christmas, my true love gave to me..   3 French Hens

    Thanks to Nocturnal_guy on Flickr for this gorgeous pic

    There are many theories about the significance of words of this ancient Christmas song. One is that the 3 French Hens refer to Faith, Hope and Charity, the theological virtues.

    I have found a very pretty blog about a French flea market in Illinois, USA, here is the link, go check it out even if it’s just for the beautifully designed site and lovely old postcards and drawings.

    And still on the 3 French Hens theme - this is worth a look for a bit of nostalgia. I remember the Peter Cook and Dudley Moore partnership, their comedy was always on the edge (for the 60s) but always, always funny. This is a YouTube video of Peter Cook much later in life, but he still has that comic timing which made him a household name . It’s called Peter Cook – a life in pieces – 3 french hens

    What has S-T been up to?

    Catching up on some reading.

    Tuesday, December 13, 2011

    2 Turtle Doves

    On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...
    2 Turtle Doves


    You’d be lucky to see one turtle dove these days, let alone two as their numbers have plummeted by 85 percent in the past 20 years, according to the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO).

    Once a common farmland bird found on commons, heaths and agricultural land, its gentle continuous purring used to be one of the most evocative sounds of summer. It was possible to see hundreds gathered in flocks on overhead cables in early autumn before they returned to their wintering grounds in sub-Saharan Africa. The species is now one of 36 birds on the Red List of highest conservation concern. (as at 2003)

    This is all a big serious isn't it, how about we lighten things up?

    "There are three stages of a man's life: He believes in Santa Claus, he doesn't believe in Santa Claus, he is Santa Claus."- Author Unknown

    And from Ebenezer Scrooge, always identified with Christmas, some of his immortal words before he saw the error of his ways -

    Out upon merry Christmas! What's Christmas time to you but a time for paying bills without money; a time for finding yourself a year older, but not an hour richer...? If I could work my will," said Scrooge indignantly, "every idiot who goes about with 'Merry Christmas' upon his lips should be boiled with his won pudding, and buried with a stake of holly through his heart. He should!"
    Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol  

    And Santa Teddy, what of him?

 keeping slightly grumpy offspring company while she studies her French verbs!
    maman très difficile!

    Monday, December 12, 2011

    A Partridge in a Pear Tree - The Twelve Days of Christmas

    Yes, only 12 days to go.
    So in honour of that, I'm going to attempt to blog everyday using the Christmas Carol,
    "The Twelve Days of Christmas" .

    On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me - A Partridge in a Pear Tree

    Research indicates that the song was not English in origin, but French, though it is considered an English carol. Three French versions of the song are known. If the "partridge in a pear tree" of the English version is to be taken literally, then it seems as if the chant comes from France, since the red-legged (or French) partridge, which perches in trees more frequently than the native common (or grey) partridge, was not successfully introduced into England until about 1770.

    You can find this little birdy at The House of Christmas in Abbotsford, Victoria
    It must be remembered that this carol evolved out of the popular culture of the Middle Ages and Tudor England.  Various versions of the carol were sung for two or more centuries before the words were recorded and published.  Despite the fact that the words have been preserved in written form for over two centuries, the carol continues to evolve and the words and symbols continue to change.  It remains a popular carol and people continue to enjoy singing and listening to it.

    What has Santa Teddy been up to lately?

    S-T has been doing a spot of pole-sitting, very Zen of you teddy!

    Until tomorrow, Christmasophiles!

    Sunday, December 4, 2011

    20 days to go..

    Hi again, fellow Christmasophiles!  I had a great Sunday baking my Christmas cake.  I've had the fruit soaking for at least 6 weeks, so when I opened the jar, the smell (and the alcohol) nearly blew my head off!
    Such a Christmassy smell, fruit soaked in a delectable Tokay and orange juice mix - the aroma wafted all through the house . It makes a beautiful moist cake that keeps for ages.  I have to pay tribute to the Women's Weekly Irish Christmas Cake recipe - named obviously because you are supposed to use Irish Whisky in it.  Now - I have done that for many years using my husband's good Irish Whisky.  He mentioned to me one year that the level was going down a bit and when I told him why, he went a bit pale!  What - you're using my good whisky in a cake!  So now I use anything to hand, from brandy to tokay (I still use the whisky occasionally, don't tell!).  Here are my pictures.

    All the elements, plus my vintage Sunbeam mixmaster

    S-T pondering the mysteries of the unbaked cake mixture, ready for 3 hours of slow cooking
    Voila!  The finished cake

    What has Santa Teddy been up to?

    Well, apart from being very busy helping me make the all important Christmas Cake, he has been appreciating some modern art.

    Very Avant-garde of you Teddy!

    Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?

    Santa's reindeer are called Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner/Donder, Blitzen, and Rudolph.  Eight of these names are taken from Clent C. Moore's "A Visit from St. Nicholas", and the ninth from the song "Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer.