Monday, December 12, 2011

A Partridge in a Pear Tree - The Twelve Days of Christmas

Yes, only 12 days to go.
So in honour of that, I'm going to attempt to blog everyday using the Christmas Carol,
"The Twelve Days of Christmas" .

On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me - A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Research indicates that the song was not English in origin, but French, though it is considered an English carol. Three French versions of the song are known. If the "partridge in a pear tree" of the English version is to be taken literally, then it seems as if the chant comes from France, since the red-legged (or French) partridge, which perches in trees more frequently than the native common (or grey) partridge, was not successfully introduced into England until about 1770.

You can find this little birdy at The House of Christmas in Abbotsford, Victoria
It must be remembered that this carol evolved out of the popular culture of the Middle Ages and Tudor England.  Various versions of the carol were sung for two or more centuries before the words were recorded and published.  Despite the fact that the words have been preserved in written form for over two centuries, the carol continues to evolve and the words and symbols continue to change.  It remains a popular carol and people continue to enjoy singing and listening to it.

What has Santa Teddy been up to lately?

S-T has been doing a spot of pole-sitting, very Zen of you teddy!

Until tomorrow, Christmasophiles!

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