Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Nine ladies dancing, Ten lords a-leaping

3 days to go..

Nine Ladies Dancing

And on another note, there exists a very whimsical stone circle high on Stanton Moore in the Derbyshire peaks, call the Nine Ladies Stone Circle.  It's a bit like the The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in that legend has it that these "ladies" were turned into stone for making music and dancing on the Sabbath (how naughty of them!)  There are actuall ten stones; nine uprights lie within a small circular earth bank, with a tenth - the King Stone and reputedly the fiddler - lying prone on the bank.  It is one of a series of ancient monuments built 3,000-4,000 years ago, scattered across Stanton Moor.  At certain times of the year when the moon is full, the stones are said to move around in a ritual dance to the fiddler's haunting melody.

Ten Lords a-Leaping

"Leaping" might be too strong a word for it, but if you happen to find yourself in Flamborough on the North Yorkshire coast on Boxing Day (what are the odds?) you'll see a team of local men hopping and skipping around the town wielding wooden swords.  In the annual Longsword Dance, men dressed in traditional fishermen's "ganseys" (jerseys) white "ducks" (trousers) and flat caps tour the streets to tunes such as "Old Johnnie Walker".  This traditional goes back hundreds of years, and now is held to raise money for the local school.

And S-T?

Santa Teddy has a joke for you:
  • Good King Wenceslas phoned Domino’s for a pizza.
    The salesgirl asked him:-
    ‘Do you want your usual?  Deep pan, crisp and even?’

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